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Contingent Search

A Great Alternative to Retained Search

What Is It?

This is a try before you buy type of option.  In the contingency recruiting option, you don’t pay until we find a candidate that you want to hire, and they work a specified number of days.  

So, no hire = no fee.  Our standard guarantee/assurance period is 90 days.  

If the candidate you decide to hire leaves in those 90 days, you don’t pay until/if we find a suitable candidate to replace the one who left and they work for your company for 90 days.   

Contingency can be exclusive or non-exclusive.  Exclusive means that only we are working on filling this opening for you.  Non-exclusive means you have multiple companies/agencies working to fill this role for you. 

Pros of Contingent Recruiting

  • No hire = no fee
  • We put our money where our mouth is and you don’t pay until we deliver what you need
  • You reduce your fixed and upfront recruiting expenses while finding the best available talent in the market
  • Assurance of a guarantee period so you’re not paying for something you no longer have

Cons of Contingent Recruiting

  • Longer time to fill
  • Lower priority than a retained search option
  • Less focus on filling these roles
  • No market insights data

Additional Considerations around Contingent Recruiting

  • How many hires do you need to make
  • What is the assurance/guarantee period
  • How quickly you need people
  • What is your budget for getting help in finding the talent you need to grow
  • What are the salaries you're going to pay the people you need help to find
  • Fee schedule: nothing upfront - entire fee on backend - 20-35% on average